Did you know that Enschede is the Dutch inventor of the wadi? In the 1990s, the first wadi's were installed in the Ruwenbos neighborhood, and since then, this smart water management system has been adopted worldwide. 

This green water system collects rainwater, purifies it, and then allows it to seep into the ground. Wadi is the Dutch acronym for: water, drainage, discharge, and infiltration. In this way, the wadi not only helps prevent flooding but also keeps groundwater levels stable during dry periods. 

In Enschede, you can find more than 200 wadis. These green ditches are filled with grass and gravel and remain dry during good weather, but during rain showers, they collect the water that runs off from roofs and streets. The water then slowly infiltrates into the soil, contributing to sustainable water management. 

Today, wadis are an integral part of the cityscape and, thanks to their green character, fit seamlessly into gardens and parks. Innovation and green management go hand in hand here - and it all started in Enschede. 

De wadi's zijn tegenwoordig een vast onderdeel van het stadsbeeld en passen dankzij hun groene karakter in tuinen en parken. Innovatie en groenbeheer gaan hier hand in hand - en het begon allemaal in Enschede. 

Curious for more information? Watch the animation video (only in Dutch) from the Municipality of Enschede for a clear explanation.